July 13

The Magic of “I AM”


You Are Not Alone

So, you feel stuck, overwhelmed, and unhappy with your current life situation? You struggle with self-esteem, confidence, and decision-making? If so, you're not alone. Many people face similar challenges, but I’m here to tell you that you have access within you, to something few people pay attention to, that can make all the difference in your situation and your experience of life in general.

That something is the mighty I AM presence which, once you’ve become aware of it and the power it holds, and if used correctly, can cause such drastic changes in your life that you would hardly believe it.

So How Does It Work?

Everything in this great, big wonderful world of ours is, at its very core, nothing but energy - vibrating particles and waves of energy intertwined in a never-ending dance of creation. And I mean, everything – your lazy cat, your ancient Nokia phone, the last slice of pizza you are contemplating - it's all energy and this includes the thoughts you think and the words you speak.

The science on this is irrefutable and if you have a hard time believing this, check this out.

Words are more than just scrabble tiles strung together. They carry energy, vibrating like invisible little tuning forks. Each word carries within it a specific energetic, a vibrational frequency that can influence our thoughts, emotions, and experiences as well as those of other people.

In this blog post, we will explore the profound impact of the words "I AM" and how, by understanding its power, we can create dramatic positive change in our lives.

The Energetic Vibration of Words

When we communicate with others, our words carry an energetic vibration that can either uplift or dampen the listener's mood. For example, say "I love you" and watch hearts melt. Drop an "I hate you", and prepare for a thermonuclear meltdown.  This emotional response is not solely based on the meaning of the words themselves, but rather the energy they carry.

And so it is that the rock stars of the word world ‘Love’ and ‘Gratitude’ contain some of the highest vibrational energies in the English language. Similarly, the word ‘God’ contains the very highest vibration. No wonder the Christian Bible has survived for thousands of years and has remained a best-seller to this day, as the word ‘God’ appears nearly 4500 times in the Scriptures – that’s a lot of energy!

Within the sacred texts, we also encounter two other words of immense power and energy. These words are "I AM", used 719 times throughout the Bible.

The Divine Significance of "I AM"

"I AM" is a phrase with deep spiritual significance, representing God's name as revealed in the Bible. Remember that burning bush? In Exodus 3:14, when Moses asked God His name, God did not reply with "Dave" or "John" but with "I AM WHO I AM." Talk about making a statement! This declaration of self-identification is not only a name but a powerful affirmation of the divine nature of every human being.

Given the spiritual and vibrational weight of these words, we must always exercise caution and intention when invoking "I AM." By using this phrase to preface statements about ourselves, we create energetic blueprints that attract events and circumstances resonating with the specific frequency of the words or concepts following our  "I AM" declaration. Thus, the statements we make about ourselves, the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, can manifest into our physical reality.

The Impact of Negative "I AM" Statements

Unfortunately, many of us often carelessly use "I AM" in conjunction with negative attributes. We toss them around, willy-nilly like they're confetti - "I am tired," "I am broke," "I am not good enough" and that is like setting yourself up for a VIP membership to the misery club, or slapping a big "Kick Me" sign on your back, inviting all kinds of trouble, because by doing so, we inadvertently align ourselves with low vibrational energies and will often manifest these negative experiences very quickly in our lives.

For example, frequently stating or thinking "I am tired" might lead to chronic fatigue, while entertaining the belief "I am not good enough" buys yourself a first-class ticket on the self-sabotage express and stops your personal growth like a bug hitting a windscreen at 120 kmh. Thus, it is crucial to be mindful of the words we choose to pair with "I AM," as they hold the power to shape our reality.

Harnessing the Power of Positive "I Am" Affirmations

The magic of "I Am" can also be used for positive change. By intentionally pairing "I AM" with uplifting and empowering attributes, we can create high vibrational energy that positively impacts our lives. For instance, saying, "I am happy," "I am healthy," "I am fabulous" , you're sending out high-frequency vibrations and your reality starts dancing to your tune. It's as if your life becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, but in a very good way!

Sounds like a piece of cake, right? Well, unfortunately it isn't. It's more like learning to play piano, or juggling flaming torches. It takes time, practise and a hefty dose of patience.

So what should I do?

To effectively harness the power of "I AM" and manifest positive change, consider the following tips:

  • Be mindful of your thoughts and words: Pay attention to the statements you make about yourself, both internally and externally. Identify and replace any negative self-talk with positive affirmations.
  • Practice daily affirmations: Set aside time each day to recite uplifting "I AM" affirmations. Speak them aloud or write them down to reinforce their impact.
  • Meditate daily. I have created an easy-to-use ‘I AM” guided meditation to help you get started and which you can download for free on my website.
  • Visualize your desired reality: As you recite your affirmations, envision yourself embodying the attributes you wish to cultivate. This visualization helps to strengthen the energetic connection between your words and your desired experiences.
  • Cultivate gratitude: Acknowledge and express gratitude for the positive aspects of your life. By focusing on the blessings you already possess, you raise your vibrational frequency and attract more positive experiences.
  • Be patient and persistent: Change takes time and consistent effort. Stick to your practice of using positive "I Am" affirmations, and trust that they will gradually reshape your reality.
  • Surround yourself with positivity: Seek out environments, relationships, and experiences that align with the high vibrational energy you want to cultivate. This supportive context will help reinforce the power of your "I AM" affirmations.
  • Monitor your progress: Reflect on your journey, and celebrate the positive changes you notice. Acknowledging your growth will boost your confidence and motivation to continue using "I AM" affirmations.

Watch Out!!

The words "I AM" hold immense power and potential to influence our lives. By understanding the energetic vibration of these words and using them with intention, we can transform our thoughts, emotions, and experiences for the better.

Be mindful of the words you pair with this potent phrase, and choose affirmations that support your growth, happiness, and well-being. By doing so, you will not only elevate your own life but also positively impact those around you, contributing to a world filled with love, gratitude, and high vibrational energy.

"But this sounds way too  difficult"

And this is where yours truly comes in: As a Transformation Coach, I'm the Gandalf to your Frodo, the Yoda to your Luke Skywalker, your own personal trainer, but for your mind...

A transformation coach is a professional who assists individuals in achieving positive change and personal growth. One area where transformation coaches can be particularly helpful is in guiding clients to harness the power of "I AM" statements. By working with a Transformation Coach, you can unlock the full potential of these affirmations and effectively manifest your desired reality.

The Role of a Transformation Coach in Utilizing "I Am" Statements

I help you uncover those pesky negative beliefs and replace them with positive "I AM's". We'll create personalized affirmations that resonate with your goals, like custom-made, couture affirmations for your soul.

I'll help you establish a daily practise because consistency is key, you see? It's like brushing your teeth; you don't just do it once and expect minty-fresh breath for life. You have to do it every day.

I'll teach you how to visualize your desired reality because, let's face it, if you can't see it, you can't be it. And of course I'll be there, cheering you on, handing you metaphorical energy drinks and pushing you to keep going when you'd rather sit down and eat a tub of ice cream.

So, are you ready to harness the magic of "I AM"? To flip the script and start crafting a life that sparkles with joy, fulfillment and a healthy dose of fabulousness?

Get out there and give it a go!

Free Meditation

To help you along on your way, I have recorded a very special "I AM" meditation for you. 

You can grab it HERE.

Remember, "I AM" is not just any ordinary phrase. It's a spell, a mantra, a life-changing magic trick and you my friend, are the magician.

So what will you create?

Make your life magnificent!


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