100% Money Back Guarantee : Terms and Conditions

If, for any reason, you were not satisfied with the Transformation Coaching SystemTM you can get a full refund, provided you have followed the terms and conditions stipulated below, to the letter.


Money Back Guarantee

"AHA!! I knew there was a catch!" I hear some of you say...

Not so. Unfortunately I have been burned too many times by unscrupulous people who allow me to coach them for hours on end and then ask for a refund as soon as I have finished coaching them, even though they have received phenomenal results.

Look, one-on-one personal coaching takes a lot of time and effort from my side. I do my very best for all my clients. So to waste all that effort on people who are just in it to see how they can score free coaching from me, is something I will no longer tolerate.

I hope you can understand that.

terms and conditions

All work that I do is guaranteed. That means that you will receive support and follow-up to ensure that you get your desired results. I guarantee my work because my experience has shown me that my clients always get results.

The guarantee works like this:

  1. You must finish the entire coaching program. That means, attend every session and be on time.
  2. You must go through the entire coaching program all the way to the end with me.
  3. You must complete the tasking before and after each session, and you need to do it fully and completely.
  4. You must have participated 100% in each coaching session by going through the therapies, techniques and coaching processes that form part of the Transformation Coaching System ™ that I will use to coach you.
  5. You must have followed all the terms required to make a coaching relationship successful, as stipulated in the Coaching Agreement & Commitment To Participate In All Coaching Sessions.
  6. Having done all of the above, and you have allowed some time (say up to 2 weeks) for the processes to integrate, then I will agree to work with you until you get the desired results we agreed on when you started the coaching program at no extra cost to you.
  7. If you still feel you did not get the desired results we agreed on, then you are entitled to ask for a refund.
  8. My coaching program is considered completed when I have coached the quoted coaching hours.
  9. No refunds will be issued AFTER the mutual agreement that the coaching program has been completed.
  10. My liability is limited to the amount paid to me for the coaching program.

Coaching Agreement & Commitment To Participate In All Coaching Sessions.

  1. I will attend ALL coaching sessions.
  2. I will be on time for every session.
  3. I will call my coach at our scheduled time.
  4. I will give my coach at least 24 hours notice if I need to reschedule our coaching session.
  5. I will arrive for my coaching sessions prepared for a great session.
  6. I will do what I say I will do, when I say I will do it.
  7. I understand that if I miss an appointment, it will not be made up.
  8. I will double my willingness to try new things suggested by my coach.
  9. I will become more each day.
  10. I will smile more often.
  11. I will be open to being coached and learn at every possible opportunity.
  12. I will change anything I need to change to get what I want.
  13. I will let go of anything in my past that hinders my future or that is bad for me.
  14. I will follow coach Michael's instructions to the letter.
  15. I will participate in all aspects of the coaching session at a level of 100%.

Follow these rules and conditions and you can say good bye to the old you, forever.
