How to Break Free From The Chains Of Negativity And Unhappiness In 3 Months Or Less!

attention: everyone fed-up with being unhappy and negative...

Experience the Profound Impact of Life Transformation Coaching: Ignite Your Journey to a Life Free from Negativity And Unhappiness 

Dear Friend

Statistics say that a whopping 45% of people worldwide have not felt true happiness for more than two years and 25% don't know, or have forgotten, what it means to feel truly happy - this according to a global report conducted in 2022.

Don't you agree that this is just such a sad, sad statistic?
And those are just the official numbers...

If you factor in those who were not surveyed, or those who did not want to disclose information; I bet it's closer to 50% or 60%, if not more!

What the statistics doesn't tell you though, is a little-known way to significantly increase your odds of living a happier life.

I'll let you in on the secret in just a moment, but first, I want to tell you a little bit about myself and why you should perhaps listen to me...

My name is Michael Enos and I have been in the field of developing people for more than 35 years.

I have a special gift for doing this and it's probably because it is so easy for me to 'tune' into people.

I run a very successful Life Transformation Coaching business and have found immense joy in seeing how people find their lives back after being coached by me.

But it hasn't always been like that though...

I came to know negativity and unhappiness quite early on in my life in the shape of depression...

I met it face to face and experienced first-hand, the disasterous effects it can have on you and the people you love.

I know too well what it is like to be drowning in unhappiness and negativity, day after day...

I know what it is like to wake up in the morning and curse, realizing that I'm still alive and have to face yet another shitty day.

And yes, sadly, I too sat with the gun against my head, contemplating whether I should pull the trigger or not...

Thankfully I came across two quotes that changed my life forever...

One was by Mahatma Ghandi and it read:

"Happiness occurs when what you think, what you say and what you do, are in harmony"

And the other one was by Marcus Aurelius.

He said...

"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking"

When I read that, my mind sparked...and I realized I had to find a way to control my thoughts, my words, my deeds!"

And that changed everything for me, as it can for you...

I set off on a quest to find a way to control my thoughts and always be positive in what I say and do.

I read a gazillion books, connected with various mentors, partners and guides who could help me navigate the difficult waters.

And slowly but surely, piece by piece, things started to come together for me, with the result that...

I finally became happy with my life, and not only that - I started to make other people happy too.

But it didn't stop there...

The momentum was like an out-of-control truck, reeling down the highway and...

Those initial insights into the art of becoming happy led me to become a super-successful teacher and school principal, and now, a certified Life Transformation Coach with a very successful coaching business changing peoples' lives for the better on a daily basis!

What was even cooler than achieving all of this, was the thousands of lives I had touched in such a positive way throughout my career in education and coaching.

It wasn't an easy journey though...

Even with all the passion and dedication, I still made mistakes.

Mistakes that cost me relationships, time, money and stress. A lot of it...

The upside to this is that I came to know people like you, because I have been there myself...

I know how negativity and unhappiness can cloud your perspective on life, causing you to miss out on opportunities and potential growth.

I know how it feels to be a pessimist, always expecting the worst in most situations, limiting your willingness to take risks or try new things, absolutely stunting your personal growth and development, making your life feel like a constant struggle.

And how about your job situation?

It probably sucks big time too, doesn't it? Like it did for me...

You see, your negativity is inhibiting your job performance big time, as it leads you to become less and less motivated to do anything except the bare minimum.

And oh, how easily has your negativity led to damaged professional relationships and a toxic work environment?

I know how it affects your health.

It is a researched fact that negativity is linked to heart disease, stroke, gastrointestinal problems and decreased immune function, not to mention depression and anxiety, as well as sleep disorders and increased vulnerability to illnesses.

I bet your relationships are also suffering under your negativity and negative beliefs. 

Constant negativity creates a toxic environment, leading to conflicts, misunderstandings and friends, family and partners distancing themselves from you because it's human nature to be attracted to positivity, rather than negativity....

So, you feel lonely and isolated...

And then of course, there's your finances.

Also not much of a pretty picture, is it?

You know, your negative beliefs are severely limiting your financial growth and you have probably already kind of made peace with the fact that you will never be financially successful, haven't you?

Your scarcity mindset leads to beliefs of unworthiness, and even fear of money, which drastically limits opportunities for financial growth and success.

Your negativity leads to stress-related spending and poor financial decisions.

How about your emotions?

I know how negativity is playing the fool with your emotions, creating a vicious cycle of negative emotions, I suspect you are already too familiar with - sadness, anger, frustration, fear, unhappiness...

All these negative emotions reinforce negative thinking, creating a vicious feedback loop that's virtually impossible to break...

Oh, but you so desperately want to change all of this, don't you?

You see...

  • I know how desperately you are yearning for a positive mindset; to shift your perspective from dwelling on negativity to embracing positivity in your thoughts, beliefs and daily experiences and being in control of your emotions, not allowing negativity to constantly dictate your actions and decisions.
  • I know how you are longing to escape negativity and how much you desire emotional well-being, so that you can develop healthy coping mechanisms and manage your stress effectively.
  • Is it not true also, that you are seeking personal growth and self-improvement along with healthy, supportive and uplifting relationships and would give anything to break free from the curse of disease, aches and pains that seems to be following you everywhere?
  • You are longing for a life aligned with your passions and purpose, to find meaning in your work, relationships and overall existence, to find inner peace and make a positive impact on the world around you.
  • You would probably love to be able to bounce back from setbacks and not let them define your worth or capabilities, instead of falling into the depths of despair for weeks on end whenever a setback occurs.
  • Above all, I know that you would love to achieve a sense of peace and contentment within yourself, accepting your imperfections and not be overly swayed by external circumstances.

Heck, I know all of this, and more than anything else, I also know the things that have been keeping you from making these desires of yours a reality...

  • Maybe you experienced trauma from the past.
    Experiences of failure, rejection or criticism can shape your perception of yourself and lead to ingrained beliefs and fears which you find very difficult to overcome.
  • Maybe you are an overthinker. Obsessing about your problems, mistakes and setbacks fuels your negativity and makes it much harder to find solutions.
  • You're probably unable to show self-compassion. Not being able to forgive yourself for past mistakes will lead to you feeling worthless and hopeless. 
  • Maybe it's the fear of change that's keeping you back. Change can be very scary at times and fearing change will keep you clinging to your negative beliefs, simply because they are familiar to you, even if they are harmful.
  • Are you constantly talking negatively to yourself? Always thinking the worst of yourself is a sure-fire way to keep you stuck right where you are, unable to escape from the vicious cycle of negativity because it leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy where negative expectations lead to negative outcomes.
  • Have you turned to unhealthy ways to cope with your stress. Alcohol, drugs, pornography and self-harm can sometimes numb the pain, but they never address the root cause of your negativity.
  •  Maybe you have a predominantly negative outlook on life. You're probably always expecting the worst, which makes it very hard to see the positive aspects of situations, reinforcing a cycle of negativity.
  • Most probably, you also suffer from a lack of self-belief. Always thinking you're not good enough, or doubting your abilities will stop any attempt of yours to break out of negative thought patterns, right in its tracks.

You, my friend are most probably experiencing some, all or most of these obstacles in your life. 

You feel stuck or trapped in your negative thought patterns and are unable to see a way out...

You are feeling overwhelmed by the task of changing your mindset, especially if you have been dealing with negativity for a long time.

Additionally, you probably also feel alone in your struggles, believing that no one else understands what you are going through...

But you see, it's not your fault...

It's not your fault if you haven't been able to turn your negativity, unhappiness and depression into joy, happiness and abundance...

There are so many things going on out there, so many different paths you can go down, that many people just don't know where to start.

So they do...nothing.

And that's not what I want for you today.

I believe YOU have something to share with this world, and that something is, the authentic YOU!

The happy, joyful YOU who is ready to take control and make a difference!

And I want to help you do just that...

remember at the beginning when i told you there's a proven Way to Significantly increasing your chances for a happy life?

Well, now I'm going to share it with you...

Introducing The Absolutely GROUND-BREAKING...


This is the system that I have been using to obliterate negativity and negative beliefs in individuals, helping them to once gain, experience their birth right to a happy, fulfilled life, brimming over with hope and passion.

And NO, this IS NOT just another run-around-the mill coaching program you can buy for 69$ somewhere on the internet.

If you have been reading this far, you will probably have realized that I seem to understand people's individual journeys and that I might very well be able to provide customized guidance and support which would demonstrate that my coaching stands out from generic, one-size-fits-all approaches. So, with this system...

I engage in a personalized approach with you: Each person is unique, so I tailor my approach to meet your specific needs, goals and challenges.

I take a holistic approach to your personal transformation: Rather than focusing solely on surface-level strategies, I address the root causes of your negativity and negative beliefs.

My coaching goes beyond quick fixes and temporary relief: You see, by combining mindset work, emotional intelligence, practical tools, techniques and therapies, I offer you a comprehensive solution.

My unique methodologies, such as Inner Conflict TherapyTM, Negative Emotional TherapyTM, Negative Belief TherapyTM, Sub-CodingTM and Bang PatternTM, to name a few, combined with my own unique approach, sets my coaching apart from any other coaching program out there.

Yes, I Know it Is A Bold Claim..

But let me ask you this:

How many other coaches out there will offer you...


Well, I do.

Why the hell would I do that?

Because this is how much faith I have in my Transformation Coaching SystemTM

You see...

  • By incorporating neuroscience, positive psychology, mindfulness practices and other cutting-edge research and techniques, lasting positive change in my clients is the rule, rather than the exception.
  • I am myself still committed to my own personal growth and professional development. By staying updated with the latest research, attending conferences, participating in advanced training programs and constantly seeking knowledge, I am continually evolving as a coach, ensuring that my clients are receiving the most effective and up-to-date coaching available.

And that is why...

I'm offering you a fREE, in-person, no-obligation

 discovery session!

 During this session we will work together to  uncover all the root causes of your negativity  and unhappiness.

 You will get crystal clear on what is causing it and exactly what to do about it to resolve it.

 You will leave the session renewed, re-energised and inspired to finally get rid of your   negativity and unhappiness, once and for all.

You know, Transformation is a journey and every journey starts with a single step

And I think, you've already taken the first step by reading so far into this long letter.

Now I invite you to take the next step.

Sign up for your free discovery session today and let's begin your journey towards a life free from negativity, filled with joy, fulfilment and success.

Your Time Has Come!

This is your call being answered...

It's time to break free from the chains of negativity.

It's time to unleash your true potential.

It's time to transform your life.

And I'm here to guide you every single step of the way...

Don't wait another day to start living the life you deserve.

I'm looking forward to helping you on your transformation journey.

See you in the free discovery session.

Have an awesome day!

*Terms and conditions apply

Copyright - Michael Enos Life Coaching
